Take The First Steps
If you want to begin feeling better in your own body, BODY by AIM360™ is here for you. Just set up your free consultation with us, and health will follow.
Contact UsKENNYWOOD made me decide to lose weight. 56 days….It was 56 days since I began the weight loss program at advance 360. In July of 2017 I had a serious medical condition that nearly led to death. I had severe diverticulitis which caused me to have surgery and have 14 inches of my colon removed. After the surgery I gained a lot of weight, I’ve always been chubby but I ballooned up to 333 lbs. My blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol were through the roof. Towards the end of summer I took my then 6 year old daughter to Kenny wood and had to tell her no, we couldn’t ride a lot of rides because I was having trouble fitting in the seats of rides. I had the same problem when I took her to Kennywood in December for the festival of lights, I couldn’t ride the rides with her. That killed me as she was finally tall enough to ride the big rides and she wanted to so bad. That was the GAME CHANGER. So in February on recommendation from a friend I went to see Dr. Dubyak and he put me on a 30 day plan which I lost around 31 lbs. in 1 month. Now I am on Paleo diet plan and in total in 56 days I am down a total of 43 lbs. as of today. 56 days I’ve gone from 333 to 290 lbs., from a size 50 pants to a 46. Best of all last weekend I took my now 7 year old daughter to Kenny wood and I was able to ride all the rides with her. I have been learning new recipes to cook, and I try to try at least 2 or 3 new recipes a week…They are all super delicious and surprisingly easy and fast to cook. Most recipes take only 15-20 minutes to .I also refuse to say I am on a diet, WHY? Because become come off of diets and gain weight back. I changed the way I eat, a total lifestyle change. I’m never hungry and I really don’t crave anything because all the recipes are so good, and there are so many things I can still eat…What more proof do you need other than 43 Lbs. (and still counting) in only 56 days…So get off your ass and go see them and start dropping those pounds at a rate that will make your head spin. Truly changed and saved my life. And my daughter is so happy that daddy lost weight and can ride all the rides at Kenny wood, and an extra bonus is that she likes most of the recipes I make so she too is learning to eat healthy.
“Let’s try this…”. My favorite 3 words to hear from THIS Wonderful group of knowledgeable staff! Let me regress…Two months ago I was told by my PCP “that is all I can do for you and your pain.” I was in absolute tears of frustration in the doctor’s office. She suggested a psychiatrist! Are you kidding me! My pain is real! It started 4 years ago with an MVA in which I was hit from behind and pushed into an oncoming Mac truck. I left and made an apt. for more injections with DNA Pain Treatment Centers. (Dr. Navelgund is wonderful there!). However, my pain is so widespread it cannot be controlled anymore by simple trigger point injections and Botox injections. She suggested Advanced Integrative Meds. And Def! The food sensitivity testing for inflammation. I made my appt. and for the first time in 4 years I was met with eye contact, sincerity, apathy, all while taking copious notes! It was like the heavens opened up! … and then it was followed by,..”Here’s what we can definitely do for you!” … And so started my journey! Do it! Don’t wait! I wanted to lose weight to take the stress off of my neck and back injuries as well as reduce my pain. Then I heard…”Here’s the plan!” A plan! Imagine that! I started as soon as I could! 20 days in and an 18 pound weight loss! Unbelievable! I feel better. I feel better! I feel better! The staff listens to me! They ask me every week how am I feeling. They monitor me! It is amazing the level of care! And if for some reason I feel some pain, they regroup, replan, talk it through with me…It is amazing! I can’t thank them enough! I was at my lowest, and they gave me hope, movement, weight loss, motivation, and encouragement! They listen! Sign up! Don’t wait another day! They are giving me my love of life back. What a gift! My blood pressure is down. My energy level is amazing. The nutritional aspect is easy to follow. I am never hungry. My anxiety has tremendously become less. My attitude has become positive. So excited to continue this journey!
The staff here have been nothing short of amazing and very friendly. I’ve known for some time that something was “off”, but most doctors will only take the time to scratch the service and not truly dig into the problem. Not the case here, Dr Darren Dubyak did a complete hormone panel on me and I’ve only been in the program for about 20 days and am currently down 22lbs. We’re working on correcting all of my hormonal imbalances.
I was somewhat skeptical at first but decided to immerse myself into the program. It was a totally different way to look at nutrition. The meal prep was easy and the injections were simple. Just stick to the program and it works. I lost 28 lbs. In 28 days. I’ve got more energy and have reduced my blood pressure medicine by 75%. Many thanks to Alex and Kallista…they’re great!!!
I found Dr. Dubyak and his staff to be caring and supportive, a refreshing change from the standard medical care to which I had become accustomed. If anyone reading this review wants to make a positive change in their lifestyle, I highly recommend Advanced Integrative Medical 360.For 12 years I searched for a holistic practice that is focused on HEALTH CARE and not Symptom Care that I could take my wife and I to. From the blood work to the weekly coaching phone calls checking in to encourage constructive progress these guys are the real deal. Your health, and life, is worth making this phone call to set up an appointment.
I’ve been a patient at Advanced Integrative Medical 360 for about 3 months now and I know it sounds so cheesy but their practice has literally changed my life! I used to suffer from anxiety and never liked the idea of taking medication to temporarily fit it.. I wanted to permanently fix it! Whenever I found AIM360 and their functional medicine approach, I was so excited to get my blood work done and see exactly what was going on with my body. It turned out that my body was reacting negatively to most things I was eating which caused my gut to not produce serotonin correctly, hence the anxiety I was experiencing. Dr. D put me on daily vitamins for my MTHFR, bi-weekly immune IVs and he also has me on the KetoBolic diet. It’s been 3 weeks since starting his programs and I feel so happy and energized. You really can’t make this stuff up people. I highly recommend giving them a call!
I am 51 years old. On July 2, 2018 I walked in to Advanced Integrative Medical 360 in Uniontown for an appointment with Dr. Dubyak. I met another patient there that looked at me and said, is this your first time here? I said yes. She said, just do what they tell you to and it will work! I was physically, mentally and emotionally unwell, to say the least. I told him I felt like I was going to die. It was all I could do to make it through my work day, and some days I stayed home in bed. I just didn’t have the energy to function. I had been to many doctors in the past several years, and all they wanted to do was give me more drugs, but not one of the was looking for the root cause of my issues. Dr. Dubyak and I had a very long conversation, and I could tell he was the real deal. He listened to everything I said, asked me questions, saw how emotional and sick I was, and he genuinely cared about my wellbeing. And I had just met him! He sent me for bloodwork, of which they drew 10 tubes of blood. On July 12th, Dr. Dubyak went over the results with me, told me he didn’t realize how sick I really was, and we chose a program, tailored to target some of my immediate needs. The program was for 60 days. He asked me what the top three things I wanted to get from the program. 1. To feel better and have more energy. 2. Get my diabetes under control. 3. To lose a little weight along the way. I had an appointment with my Endo about mid-way through, and I was really surprised that he was fully supportive of this program. He even said if I continue on this path, he would not have a need to see me after my next appt! Then I went to my family Dr. and she was also very supportive and even asked if they did natural hormone replacement therapy because she had several patients she would like to refer to somewhere, but there is no one close by that does that type of thing. So of course I provided Dr. Dubyak their information! Fast forward to September 25, 2018. I had gotten bloodwork again and went in for a follow-up and the results were absolutely amazing! My HbA1C went from 7.9 to 6.5, liver function numbers are lower than they have been in at least 3 years, triglycerides, thyroid, and lots of other things were way down. Some are still too high, but we are working on those next. I am blown away at what just happened! It is absolutely amazing! I have a lot more energy, my blood sugar is down considerably, and I lost 28 pounds! In just 60 days! I’m not done yet. We are going to continue on this path to wellness! The support system I have just from the people that work in this office alone is outstanding. Weekly calls with the Nutritionist, texting and talking with the Nurse on specific needs, talking with the doctors, who are exceptional. This was absolutely the best thing I have ever done for myself! You have to have the right mindset and be willing to change what you are doing. It is well worth it! If you listen to what they tell you to do, it will work!
I’m 33. I came in with some of my troubles with PCOS, for the last 15 years actually…. Dr. Dubyak helped me so much with my Diet, and in helping me to see what I should and most importantly shouldn’t be eating. I started at about 230lbs… today about 210lbs… I haven’t been able to lose weight like this since I was high school! I’m not finished yet either! This has been really inspiring for me, once the weight started coming off, I had more energy, felt less bloated… and overall just feel better, oh and my skin, although not 100% yet…. it is sooo much better than what it was with all my breakouts! Thanks to everyone at the Uniontown and Pittsburgh locations! Your staff is wonderful, attentive and caring!
When I first visited Advanced Integrative Medical 360 my goal was to lose weight. The results exceeded my expectations. Not only did I lose 20 lbs. during the initial sixty-day weight loss program, but after the first week I noticed an increase in my energy levels and an improvement for the better in my mood. It only got better from there. As a 67 year old grandmother I could now keep up with my grandchildren when we went to the park. Rather than take an afternoon nap, I was running around doing errands and cleaning the house. At one point my daughter actually told me to sit down and take a break as all of my renewed energy was making her nervous. Additionally, after 60 days my lab results had greatly improved. As one example, my bad cholesterol levels which had been alarmingly high are now approaching normal range.
I have been super big my whole life. I started AIM 360 eight weeks ago and have already lost about eleven inches around my waist. Everyone here is super friendly and truly care about your wellbeing. The process is easy once you learn the good and the bad. They teach you EVERYTHING you need to know. I truly believe this will save my life. Feeling a hundred times better and don’t hurt nearly as bad as before. Everyone here isheroes to me and I can’t thank them enough.
My wife Brenda has been going to AIM since March 26, 2019 and she has lost 26 pounds to date. I wanted to say that I have my energy back and I’m sleeping great. I used to be a night owl and I’m no longer staying up. I get up with the birds now. My stomach has dropped a few inches and I am now working out because I have the energy to do it. They have taught me how to eat the right things and what is not right to eat for my body. Going to keep this up for my health. I would also like to say that I am no longer taking blood pressure meds due to the wonderful help I have received in my weight loss journey. The staff are very helpful with any questions you may have in how to help improve your health. Very happy with my results.
First, I would like to comment on the friendly staff; they are awesome! All are welcoming and explained the program thoroughly. When I first met Dr. Dubyak I was initially a bit skeptical at losing the amount of weight in the time suggested. He said, “If you follow my orders kid you’ll lose the weight.” Fast forward to 45 days later and I have lost 20lbs! This is the first time I have been on a program that is actually a lifestyle that I can live with. I have 14 more days to go on my plan and have already achieved my weight goal. This has been by far the most sustainable program I HAVE EVER BEEN ON!!!!! This is not hype its real. You see the diet commercials and think ” yeah ok” but this has really worked. I am so excited about my future. I ACTUALLY FOUND A LIFESTYLE CHANGE THAT I CAN LIVE WITH! Thank you Dr. D!
So today was my follow-up blood work review and it was good still need to make some improvements. I did not know at the start of the program that I would be assisted continuously through Integrative Medical however today I received a pleasant surprise and was notified that I will still be under the care of Dr. D. I am serious when I say this program really works. I actually feel like the goal of this organization is the Health and fitness of its patients. Other diet programs I have tried in the past turn you away once you lost the weight, however not only does this program provide you the tools to live a successful lifestyle they are with you every step of the way.
Over the last few years, I’ve struggled at maintaining my weight loss. I would go the spring to summer months working out pretty consistently, but then once fall/ winter came my motivation was lost. I ballooned up to probably over 255 towards the end of last year. I wasn’t working out as consistently. I was drinking a few times a week, and eating whatever I wanted. Hell it was the holidays! It was ok, right? Well no it really wasn’t.So at the beginning of the year, I started back with my workouts on an everyday basis! I did the entire Insanity DVD program while at work, while also working out with inmates during our Fitness Classes. I started to lose weight. I was getting better, but ever so slowly. I finally got my membership to Planet Fitness, and then a few weeks later I came across AIM360 honestly purely by accident. I was leaving for Mexico in a month, and I wanted help with a quick fix to lose some weight. I was probably down 20lbs at this time, so it was going in the right direction. I set up my apt w/ Kallista and AIM360 not realizing it wasn’t this other local weight loss Dr, and frankly I’m glad I did. The level of in-depth that is taken into your program is amazing! Upon meeting Kallista she made me feel like I could keep losing the weight and she’s been super, super supportive since! You’re initially put onto a specific diet plan according to your needs, etc. I wasn’t sure how it would go for me, but it really wasn’t that bad of a transition. She’s there with you through the whole process on the AIM360 app. You input your daily stats, and she’s available to chat with as if you were bffs..ha-ha Plus, she has weekly phone calls with you to check up on you and to see if you’re having any issues. I like this because it allows you to know that you have someone always there whether it’s to encourage and or to kick your butt. Sometimes, we all need a little bit of both! But it’s never in a negative way, but more of a hey, you’re human you did it now let’s get back on track! The involvement of the blood work testing was amazing to me, because I had no clue how any of my results would be and how/why they affect your body. I do now! Dr. Dub is my dude man! He sets up your whole plan based on your blood test results, which as I said was amazing to me. I started with AIM360 at 231, which was prior to my March Mexico trip and as of today I am 206.I feel better. I look better. My body has changed for the better, and it’s all thanks to Dr. Dubs specific weight loss plan and for Kallista’s healthy eating diet plan! I truly appreciate their efforts, and level of commitment to not only myself, but to every one of their clients. Their goals end up being your goals, and their motivation becomes what motivated you! I couldn’t be happier being a part of AIM360, Dr. Dub, and Kallista because even though I was back on the right track to lose weight, with them I believe I will be able to continue to do so and maintain it off for as long as I so desire! Their confidence in me, excitement in the changes and results they see in me makes it all worthwhile because it’s also given me that level of confidence that I may not have had in years. I’ve even taken my shirt off at a few concerts this summer, because I feel like I can to where I’m not ashamed. This has also led to a lot of people being very complimentary towards to my weight loss. I don’t want to disappoint them, Dr. Dub, Kallista, or myself so that’s my motivation to keep going! I would definitely recommend this process to anyone who may continually struggle with the up downs of weight loss. This will get you and your health on the right track to a long, healthy life! Check me out of instagram at rnip03 to follow my journey! I’d be happy to answer questions that you may have about this whole process. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!!!I don’t know how long I’ll be on the program, but I feel like I’ve made 2 new friends in the long run that are going to be there in one way or another throughout my fitness journey!
For years I struggled with gut issues, including IBS, Candida, Acid Reflux, Heartburn, etc. I have also had issues with depression. A much more debilitating problem has been my Fibromyalgia. I have refused to believe that these are permanent conditions. I have wanted to get to the root of these problems. After bad experiences with various medications, I have decided to take a more holistic approach. This team of holistic professionals reviewed my blood work and found inflammation in my body, dietary allergies, problem absorbing vitamins, hormonal imbalance, and major gut dysfunction. These experts’ recommendations have been amazing. This team has provided me with counseling related to my physical health. They have helped me to understand the root of my problems, assisted with my vitamin intake, and set me up with a dietary health coach. The recommended diet for me assisted in bringing down inflammation, aided with food allergies, and is improving my overall well-being. In healing my gut first, it is beginning a domino effect in restoring the other areas of my body. I lost 18 pounds in eight weeks and I am continuing on with the recommended dieting plans. Yes, it takes work on our own part and no, it does not work like magic. However, it is well worth all of the coaching. I would like to add that the team is compassionate and empathetic. I never once felt judged for how I got to where I was. I am on a good path of restoration and regaining energy.
I am so excited to share that this team has given me the tools and support to get my life back again. I have been chronically ill with multiple medical problems for over 20 years. Since beginning the program beginning with labs, coaching, nutrition counseling, IV vitamin infusions, I have experienced increasing energy, a 30 pound weight loss in 9 weeks. My labs are so improved that I am now off 3 medications, decreased doses on 2 others. My cholesterol labs are better than when I was on a statin. I’m no longer pre-diabetic. I am finally absorbing the nutrients from my foods instead of it causing issues. I was so excited to buy new pants today, 3 sizes smaller. The team has been awesome and supportive.
After struggling to lose the weight I gained thru the years, I was just about give up. I tried almost every single diet on the planet; with no success. While scrolling thru my Facebook feeds, I saw an advertisement for Advanced Integrative Medical 360 and thought, why not, let’s see if they can help me!Too my surprise, this was the best thing that I ever did for myself. I went in to the doctor’s office feeling sluggish, depressed, stressed and I lacked self-esteem. After 60 days on the program, I not only lost weight, my depression disappeared, I am no longer sluggish, my anxiety and stress levels have subsided, I am more focused, and I like myself. I am walking 6 to 7 miles a day, I am back on track with eating the right foods, and I feel absolutely great!
I began my journey at Advanced Integrative Medical Center in March 2018 after going to Alexandra Main Kampert, colon hydrotherapist, for several years. I wanted to learn more about my health and nutrition. I met with Dr Dubyak and Kallista Dennis after having bloodwork drawn and felt so comfortable with them. They are both very knowledgeable and so helpful. I have worked with Kallista for 2 months on my nutrition and have lost over 10lbs, without even having a goal of losing weight. I ran into a slight bump (stress) and it took me about a week to recover but Kallista was very supportive throughout it all and helped me get back to normalcy. Overall, I feel so much healthier, clear headed, and confident. I lift weights so changing my nutrition along with training only made the results so much better! I am very pleased with my results and look forward to continuing this journey with Advanced Integrative Medical Center. If you want to improve your health and get results, go see them!
I began my journey at Advanced Integrative Medical Center in March 2018 after going to Alexandra Main Kampert, colon hydrotherapist, for several years. I wanted to learn more about my health and nutrition. I met with Dr Dubyak and Kallista Dennis after having bloodwork drawn and felt so comfortable with them. They are both very knowledgeable and so helpful. I have worked with Kallista for 2 months on my nutrition and have lost over 10lbs, without even having a goal of losing weight. I ran into a slight bump (stress) and it took me about a week to recover but Kallista was very supportive throughout it all and helped me get back to normalcy. Overall, I feel so much healthier, clear headed, and confident. I lift weights so changing my nutrition along with training only made the results so much better! I am very pleased with my results and look forward to continuing this journey with Advanced Integrative Medical Center. If you want to improve your health and get results, go see them!
I couldn’t be happier with my experience with this group. The AIM 360 program and supplements have kick started my weight loss and my new lifestyle. Dr. Dubyak and his team have been informative, kind and shown true interest in my progress. It is great to know there is a place that can help me accomplish my goals using a holistic approach. I would recommend this program to everyone.
This has been and amazing place for me! I have always been very active…running, spinning, lifting, swimming…. I found myself having less and less energy which made me less active. I began gaining weight, my hair was thinning and my skin was dry and red. Even though I wasn’t overeating, I was gaining weight. I came in for a consultation and the rest was history! I found out I was deficient in many vitamins and minerals among many other things. My plan was geared specifically for the needs of my body. After being in the program for one month, I lost 20lbs. I continued to lose weight, my hair and skin became more healthy, I started exercising again and felt AMAZING! I have lost a total of 40lbs and have kept I’d off! Now I spin, box, do [solidcore], OrangeTheory and many other activities! I have had so many people compliment me on my transformation. Thank you to everyone at Advanced Integrated Medical 360!
I’m so impressed with this program! The doctors truly listened to my concerns, did a comprehensive evaluation, and then designed a customized program to suit my individual health/wellness needs and goals. The staff is just amazing, so friendly, knowledgeable and supportive. If you are looking for a holistic, whole body/mind approach, this program can provide the knowledge and tools to help you achieve your best, happiest self! I highly recommend!
I’ve been coming here for over a year for IV vitamin therapy and I love these people. I suffer from an autoimmune disorder and this is the only treatment/therapy that has helped. I feel 10 years younger and haven’t had a flare up in a year. The staff is lovely. I count all of them as friends now.
When I first made the decision to Advanced Integrative Medical 360 I was hesitant. I was worried about all kind of things. Why I didn’t feel like myself? Why didn’t I feel good? What exactly was going on with my body? With a comprehensive blood panel and a group of highly trained and informative staff they helped me to discover a TSH level of 36. Now, halfway through the program my TSH level is a 14. With slight diet modification as well as vitamins catered to my body I am now 18 pounds down and feeling more like myself every day. I am thankful and very grateful to be in the care of individuals who not only personalize programs but look for answers as to why things are happening. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next weeks to come and what my final blood panel reveals. Thanks guys! I truly appreciate your dedication to health and wellness and the personalized care I have received.
I’ve been working with Advanced Integrative Medical 360 for over a month now & I’m happy to report I’m losing weight & sleeping better, and I’m especially pleased with the improvement in my energy level! I am getting great support in making some changes in my diet & look forward to continuing my relationship with this practice.
For some of you that don’t know I have been a fighter against first “Fibromyalgia” and then lupus for over 10 years, and now Ulcerative Colitis. This isn’t easy to say and a bit embarrassing but it’s the many faces of an autoimmune disease. After watching two of my maternal aunt’s battle and sir come to the disease it led me to question whether the disease for the pharmaceuticals used to manage it killed them faster. When I was diagnosed, I already knew that if I was going to go down, I was going down fighting the most natural way possible. It led me to become a passionate, holistically driven registered nurse. I became proactive, instead of reactive when it came to my well-being. I had a better chance of avoiding pharmaceuticals this way and I knew once I got to a point where I needed medications it was notching years off my life. I have children who need me, there was no other way. I felt I was doing the best that I could trying to stay up-to-date with the latest most natural remedies. I use essential oil for my first aid pharmaceutical cabinet in my home for my family and myself, I am a firm believer in positive energy, nutrition, and exercise. I believe that nothing is by chance, my second week working alongside Dr Dubyak, I came down with probably the worst inflammatory flare up of my disease that took me to the ER. I was put on very strong antibiotics and steroids which made me feel sicker then what took me to ER; I rarely take either drugs. Dr Dubyak pulled me aside and said “Let me heal you.” At the point I was at I had nothing to lose. I took the anti-inflammatory supplements he recommended, received his immune boosting IV therapy, and followed his Anti-InflammX Diet. Let me just say that you don’t know how bad you really felt on a chronic basis until you feel BETTER! I can’t believe even when I felt I was “good”, I was at a low functioning capacity just getting by. The IVs gave me immediate relief, my skin feels and looks amazing I might add…lol. Not important, but awesome bonus! My chronic body pains have eased tremendously, and my energy has skyrocketed. I was meant to be working with them.
This was my first foray into a different approach to health and weight. I was pleasantly surprised at my results. The biggest surprise and benefit that I found is that my brain fog lifted and I no longer felt the need to take a nap and snack at 3 PM. I’m glad I gave this a try!
I was very hesitant at first. So, I decided to just go for it. The staff is very friendly and helpful. It’s been 30 days and I’ve lost 21 lbs. I feel amazing and eating a clean diet. It has been the best choice I ever made.
I love the program. The nutrition coach is the best, guided me the whole way. She listened to my concerns and cared about my progress. I now weigh where I want to be and feel I am able to maintain for the rest of my life!
I went to advanced integrative medical 360 not to lose weight but to help me with my chronic pain. The staff was friendly and helpful the whole way through the process. I wasn’t sleeping because of my pain tossing and turning trying to get comfortable, maybe getting 4hrs a sleep a night if I was lucky. With the program I’m sleeping through the night no more sleepless nights pain is under control I have so much more energy and I feel amazing. I lost 30 lbs. in 2 months ,and now I have a better understanding on how and what to eat. I thought that as a family that I cooked a well-balanced meal , but it wasn’t what my body needed to help control the pain .And like a lot of people I used food to help with the pain .I thought if I feed it that the pain would go away , not true. With this program I only give my body what it needs. I have learned new eating habits and I love the way I look and feel I can’t thank them enough. I’m still not done they gave me the tools and I’m going to keep using them to make a better me thank you, thank you. Kallista you always answered every question I ask you, and made the changes easy . Even when I hit those plateaus, you always motivated me and we all need that. I went through the closet and got rid of the 22/24 pants and the 3x tops. I’m now in size 14 and I can’t remember when I was in that size last. This program works thank you all again.
I was hesitant about starting this program however I jumped in and I’m very glad I did. Along with losing weight I’m eating so much healthier. Along with myself, my family is also eating healthier. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to be healthier. Great staff to work with!
If you want to begin feeling better in your own body, BODY by AIM360™ is here for you. Just set up your free consultation with us, and health will follow.
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